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Available Services

Serving adult men and women aged 18 or older, in both English and Spanish, with a valid Ohio license/ID and proof of Cuyahoga County residency.

Private insurance accepted with prior authorization. A limited number of clients residing outside of Cuyahoga County may be accepted with active Medicaid insurance coverage. Selfpay and Sliding Fee Scales are available with income verification.

Clients receive ongoing Assessment and Individualized Treatment Planning, Crisis Intervention services, SUD Case Management, Random Urinalysis Drug Testing, Referrals, and Individual and Group Counseling. Bus passes are provided to those in need of transportation to and from treatment services.

*Private insurance accepted with prior authorization

*All Medicaid managed care plans are accepted.

Miguel Prieto Treatment Services

Clients in all programs are drug tested randomly throughout the week. Bus passes are provided to clients in outpatient and intensive outpatient levels of care in need of transportation.

Casa ALMA / Casa MARIA

Clients complete up to 30 days of residential treatment, depending on their individual needs and treatment goals. Services include, but are not limited to, substance use disorder case management, crisis intervention, individual counseling, family sessions, and participation in AA/NA support groups.

Intensive Outpatient

Clients complete 6 weeks of 3-hour group sessions 3 times a week. Other services include substance use disorder case management, crisis intervention, individual counseling, family sessions, and encouragement for participation in AA/NA support groups.


Clients complete 12 weeks of 1.5 hours of weekly group sessions. These group sessions include individual counseling sessions, substance use disorder case management, and crisis intervention.

Other Services

Translation of Documents, Translation in Person or Virtual, Peer support, family support groups, 12 Step AA & NA Support Groups, Case Management, Anger Management Training, Parenting Classes, Driver’s Intervention Program, Domestic Intervention Education, harm Reduction Seminars, Reentry Support, and Workforce Development.

Prevention Services

Project Niños

A year-long bilingual and culturally competent in-school youth development and substance prevention education geared towards Pre-K and elementary school aged children. This education curriculum teaches social and emotional learning techniques, knowledge and attitudes for setting goals, how to maintain positive relationships, and responsible decision making.

Youth In Action

A year-long bilingual and culturally competent in-school youth development and substance prevention education geared towards middle and high school students. This education curriculum teaches social and emotional learning techniques, knowledge and attitudes for setting goals, how to maintain positive relationships, and responsible decision making.

Family Connections

Substance use and violence prevention curriculum, to increase parental skills, positive family engagement, family bonding, access to community resources, and setting effective substance use rules for incarcerated women in the Northeast Reintegration Center.

La Mariposa (The Butterfly)

A bilingual and culturally competent group practice to counter harmful female stereotypes, encourage genuine self-expression, and generate personal accountability by building healthy relational and cultural connections, navigating personal challenges, increasing self-empowerment, and enhancing social-emotional skills in adolescent girls, ages 9-18 years.

ASAM Levels

Level 2.0 - Intensive Outpatient Services

Provides treatment services to clients who have been diagnosed with Chemical Dependency found to be in need of the services and intensity at the intensive outpatient level of care. Group counseling provided on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10:00pm-1:00pm. All other services are scheduled based on client needs.

Level 1.0 - Outpatient

Provides treatmenet service to clients who have been diagnosed with Chemical Dependency found to be in need of the services and intensity at the outpatient level of care. Group counseling provided on Wednesdays from 3:00pm-4:00pm. All other services are scheduled based on client needs.

Level. 0.5 - Early Intervention Program

Provides initial screening, evaluation, crisis intervention, referral, and access to Hispanic UMADAOP and other community services during regular business hours.